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Vein Care Can Remove Those Unsightly, Painful and Potentially Dangerous Varicose Veins

Feb 24

Often, varicose veins are unsightly and painful. They cause a bulging, dark blue or purple appearance and can cause muscle cramping, tenderness or aching in the legs. They can also lead to leg ulcers, which are open sores that don’t heal well. They can be a significant cause of embarrassment and stop you from enjoying activities you enjoy because they make you feel self-conscious. In Vein Care Center varicose vein treatments can remove those unsightly, painful and potentially dangerous varicose and spider veins.

Varicose veins are caused by weakened vein walls that stretch and lose their ability to control blood flow through the vein. This means that the valves that help move blood into and out of the vein become faulty and allow blood to back up and pool in the vein, which then becomes enlarged and stretched out under the surface of the skin. Varicose veins can be painful, but they also can develop into a more serious medical condition that can lead to ulcers that won’t heal.

Some people are more likely to get varicose veins than others. Age can be a factor because the lining of the veins can weaken with time. It’s also more common in women because hormonal changes, including those that occur during pregnancy and menopause, can cause the veins to enlarge. People who have a job that requires long periods of sitting or standing may be more at risk, as can those with a family history of varicose veins.

Treatment options for varicose veins include compression therapy, which involves wearing special elastic stockings that put gentle pressure on the legs to keep the blood moving. Other procedures, such as sclerotherapy, use a chemical that causes the vein to scar and close. These treatments can be painful, but they are generally less invasive than older surgeries that required a hospital stay and led to bruising and swelling after surgery.

Another noninvasive treatment is radiofrequency ablation, which uses heat to seal the varicose vein. This procedure can be done without a doctor’s supervision and doesn’t require a lengthy hospital stay. Doctors can also perform a more invasive procedure called ambulatory phlebectomy, in which they remove large varicose veins by making punctures with a needle in the area.

There are also newer catheter-based procedures that involve inserting a tube into the affected vein and sealing it with a glue. These newer vein care treatments are more comfortable than older surgeries that used heat, ultrasound guidance and cutting tools.

Getting varicose vein treatment early can reduce symptoms and prevent them from getting worse. It can also prevent complications, such as sores that won’t heal. If you have pain, tenderness or aching in your legs, see a vein specialist. They can test you for varicose veins and recommend the best treatment option for you.